Individual Training

INDIVIDUALITY is a top priority in our training courses.
Put together your individual training package with our individual training modules. This allows you to determine the main focuses of the training and to let your experts familiarize you with relevant topics in hands-on training courses.
The individuality of the training increases both their efficiency and the associated training success enormously. In addition, you can choose between fundamentals and specializations for each module, so that everyone receives the right training for the current state of knowledge.
In a preliminary discussion, special requests such as ensuring the accessibility of own applications are discussed in order to further increase the benefits of the training. With the training documents created especially for you, you can apply the acquired knowledge directly in practice.
Choose your training location

In order to be able to respond perfectly to your needs, we offer you a choice of three training locations. This allows you to make the most of your time resources and customize the training.
- Inhouse-Training
- Papenmeier in Schwerte
- External training rooms are rented on request
Individual training vs. group training

Choose between individual and group training. Of course, you also have the opportunity to opt for a "mix" of both variants. In a company training, for example, different participants can take part in the modules that are relevant to them and thus make efficient use of the working day despite further training. For group training we recommend a maximum of 8 participants.
Our training modules
The individual contents of the different modules can be freely combined and assembled according to your wishes.

As the name "Basic" already says, this module anchors the basics of IT accessibility. Here we highlight the issue of accessibility from all relevant pages, in order to guarantee you a perfect entry into this complex field of information technology.
Our instructors will first introduce you to key regulatory requirements that you need to know about accessibility and inclusion. Afterwards, there will be an excursion into the area of existing standards, which must be taken into account when creating barrier-free applications. In doing so, we explicitly address the difference between accessibility and usability and illustrate this with meaningful examples.
Sensitizing for the most diverse needs of people with different impairments is another very important part of our module. This section is intended to provide a better understanding of the specific needs of this user group.
From this new perspective, we will look at the functionality and importance of assistive accessibility technology.
Understanding how assistive technology works is an important criterion for developers to program accessible applications. Therefore, when training with developers, we discuss the way assistive technology works in detail. The practice-oriented demonstration shows you the most different barriers and how they can already be prevented during the programming.
- Legal provisions on accessibility and inclusion
- Standards and Recommendations for Making IT Accessibility
- Difference accessibility vs. usability
- Needs of users with disabilities
- Functions and meaning of assistive technology incl. Way of working of users of assistive technology (especially for developers)
- Examples of common barriers and methods of prevention

In our module "Applications" we provide you with sound knowledge for the design of barrier-free applications. Based on the relevant surface technology and programming language, we coordinate the training content individually. Our instructors will use code examples in the programming language to show you the most common problems and introduce specific prevention measures.
For better understanding, Best and Worst Practices will help you understand the implications of non-accessible applications. Awareness of the behavior of assistive technologies is at the center.
In order to ensure the work efficiency of all users, we will discuss the usual keyboard shortcuts from Microsoft and explain how they are integrated.
Another point is the presentation of relevant testing tools that allow you to control the basic accessibility of your programming.
After the training, you will be ready to program accessible applications and know what to look out for in your daily work to ensure IT accessibility.
- Barrier-free programming under the used surface technology (C ++, C #, Visual Basic, Java, Java FX, .NET, HTML / CSS, Microsoft Silverlight ...)
- Typical error representation of the surface technology used based on sample examples
- Preventive measures
- Tools in different IT environments
- Expectant keyboard shortcuts
- Presentation of relevant testing tools

The "Web" module prepares you to make Internet and Intranet sites as well as web-based applications accessible. The training focuses on navigation, structuring, navigation and consistent accolades.
Well thought-out navigation is an essential part of web presence and web applications to ensure accessibility. Our instructors will show you common sources of error and explain what you need to look out for in terms of barrier-free navigation.
The topic of structuring will provide you with new insights into the structure, structure and grouping, so that mistakes are avoided and you score points with your customers with a sophisticated structure.
Another component of our web module deals with the consistent and consistent award of built-in elements. In doing so, we are increasingly focusing on software ergonomics and, among other things, bring you closer to expectations as well as the associated "to do's".
- Internet/ Intranet
- Webbased Applications
- Navigation
- Structuring
- Consistent and consistent award

The Documents module shows you from scratch how to properly create accessible documents. You can choose between the document formats PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
With each format, we show you step by step how to ensure accessibility and what to look for. Of course, we will discuss the specifics and common problems of each format. Thus, you will receive an optimal guide that will provide you with a lasting benefit.
Similar to the "Web" module, we focus in particular on navigation, structuring and consistent, consistent labeling.
- Office Application
- Navigation
- Structuring
- Consistent and consistent award